Just a few quick steps and the utmost flexibility

… all environmentally friendly.
Our technology allows us to avoid solvents, production waste and the use of labels. This enables us to ensure the total recyclability of containers.

Why Zero?


Minimum quantity limits




Printing equipment


Waste for machine setup

Our technology is the world’s first to print on curved and flat surfaces in the same print flow.

The Advantages of Cursi Zero


Our process can handle heterogeneous prints on a variety of surfaces, like containers and caps, in a single print queue. Texts, serial numbers, bar codes, graphics-whatever you need to customize a container. The absence of machine setups has allowed us to break down the wall of minimum quantity limits.


0 waste and less CO2

There is no production waste, and we have significantly reduced CO2 emissions-a benefit to the environment and environmentally-conscious companies.

0 labels = 100% recyclable containers

Our direct printing enables the total recyclability of containers.

Why can’t I recycle labeled containers?
Containers that come in contact with label glue are no longer recyclable.
Our technology allows us to eliminate labels by direct printing on the containers.

Other reasons why our technology is green:

we use the least amount of ink

we utilize very little energy

we use no solvents, so our inks have no VOCs

we are exploring the possibility of quantifying the reduction of CO2 production

Our strengths compared with analogic technologies


Offset technology produces a variety of waste products, requires long processing times, and large quantities of ink of different colors. Digital printing overcomes these limitations with brilliant results.


Flexography offers the same print quality as digital but provides little opportunity for customization.

Screen printing is much slower and less efficient than digital processes, which can apply the perfect amount of ink to achieve the desired thickness and consistency.

Label printing is less efficient and only allows for partial recyclability of the container.

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contatto cursi zero